2015 travel statistics

2015 travel statistics.

Looking back to 2015 I must say it was again a hell of a year in terms of traveling to new countries, getting new experience and meeting new amazing people all over the world. In 2015 I visited 2 continents, 15 countries from which 6 were new to me and did 31.746 km of flight […]

Riding an electric bike in Copenhagen

Arriving to Copenhagen central train station from Malmo was a bit of experience. Not because of ultra-modern train station we can only dream of in our capital city, but because of the huge sign „welcome refugees” and just the number of refugees on the station. It was something I haven’t experienced in Slovakia so far. Being […]

My top Tenerife beaches

When visiting an island the obvious thing to do is to go to a beach. As staying with my girlfriend’s brother Antonio and his wife Marta we didn’t need to plan ahead. In 6 days they showed us some cool Tenerife beaches and places for swimming and snorkelling from local perspective without all the tourists and […]